Haworth Clan Genealogy - 14 Jan 2024


Marriage Notes for Eber Lewis and Mary Thornton-2914

Vermilion Monthly Meeting, Vermilion, Illinois.

Indiana State Library marriage database incorrectly spells county as, "Vermillion."

Hans Wilhelm von Haeseler

Received portion when his father sold the family estate in Vilz around 1930 and used the money to buy a ranch called "Estanzia Carumbe" in Paraguay.  He became a Paraguay citizen.  At one point in the 1930's he lost 4,500 hectare of land from his ranch to Alfredo Stroessner who later became president.  Hans-Wilhelm (J. Guillermo) had all the legal documentation.

The ranch Estanzia Carumbe, Alto Paraguay de Lima, Paraguay constists of 10,875 hectar of land.

When his father Karl died in 1939, Hans-Wilhelm Sr. and his wife "Luisa" Langjahr and their son Jr. returned to Germany.  Sr. was drafted into the German Army and eventually captured by the Allies.  He returned to Paraguay in 1947.  His wife and son had already returned by 1946.  His address from 1947:  J. Guillermo V. Haeseler, 25 de Novembre No. 382, Asuncion - Paraguay, America del Sud.  His last known address 1970: Estanzia Carumbe al Jejui, Alto Paraguay de Lima.

Hans-Wilhelm Sr. last visited Hamburg, Germany from July to October 1970.  His mother died in Hamburg two years later.

NAME: Went by J. Guillermo V. Haeseler in Paraguay.

RESIDENCE: Immigrated to Paraguay, South America in about 1931.  He returned briefly to Germany then back to Paraguay where he lived until his death.